Could you be a host family for our academy?

Could you be a host family for our academy?

We are currently seeking host family providers, couples or singles, to support our elite young players who need to live away from home to undertake their football training at our club. Most players will be aged 16-18.

Host families would be required to provide homely accommodation throughout the season. Players would require their own bedroom. Access to public transport and local amenities is desirable.

Our placements are mostly 5-7 nights week, but we also seek hosts who may be available for shorter terms (1-2 nights at a time).

We are recruiting for families who can offer either or both types of placements. Host families would be required to guide our young players by teaching them basic independent living skills such as washing, cooking, cleaning and self-care skills, for example, how to book medical appointments. Young players are also paid a ‘wage’ so may also require guidance on saving and budgeting especially for items such as mobile phone bills or car insurance. The host family will be required to provide meals (dependent upon the Academy schedule) in line with the basic nutrition guide provided by the Academy.

Hosts are encouraged to include young players in family life as much as the player feels comfortable. Both hosts and young players are given guidelines explaining what is expected of each of them. All our host families are regularly visited and inspected by us. Training is provided and annually refreshed.

Additionally, they formally undertake to protect and care for the young players in their charge.

Port Vale Football Club is committed to equal opportunities as well as safeguarding, promoting the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults. Any applicant wishing to be considered as a host family will need to demonstrate they are able to share this commitment.

As part of this commitment, Host Families are required to attend Safeguarding training every three years, delivered by the Football Association/Football League. Host family members and any other persons over the age of 16 who reside at the address, are legally required to complete enhanced DBS checks, subscribe to the DBS Update Service on an annual basis and to authorise the Club to obtain a medical report from their GP. Fees for checks will be reimbursed.

If you are interested, please email the attached application form to Safeguarding Officer Tim Bailey at

If you require further information prior to applying please contact Billy McClure, Academy Operations Manager by email on

PVFC is an equal opportunities employer and welcomes applicants from all sectors of the community.