Premier League Primary Stars – Reading Stars programme

Premier League Primary Stars – Reading Stars programme

During the first term of the 2023-24 academic year, we have been delivering one of our many PL PS programme to school within the local area.

Two schools that we are currently working in are Moorpark Junior School & Etruscan Primary School. 12 children from each school have been enrolled on the PPS Reading Stars programme where they will look to improve their literacy skills through reading writing & using the power of football and the premier league to engage the participants to be more willing to read at home and to improve their literacy & social skills. The programme lasts for 6 weeks with each week, labelled as a fixture, themed to different literacy topics such as reading techniques – Skim & Scan, Poetry Slam and Match Day Report Writing. The last session will be hosted at Vale Park where the children will be taken on a tour of the stadium, meet a member of the first team squad & have the last session delivered to the participants in one of our hospitality suites overlooking the pitch.


Daniel Johnson – Premier League Primary Stars Coordinator

“The PPprogrammes are a fantastic way of encouraging students who love sport/football, but sometimes may struggle in their usually maths or literacy lessons to become more focussed and engaging in those critical subjects. The way we look to link the club into our delivery with the match day invites and stadium visits is a really useful tool to have for CCO’s like ourselves. The children love the thought of seeing their favourite Vale players”.

This cohort is currently halfway through the programme and as part of the initiative and a way of increasing the participation levels and attendances in school, we have offered them the opportunity to attend today’s fixture along with their parents and family members. With this they will be allowed pitch side prior to kick off to see their favourite players warm up, as well as being welcomed onto the pitch before the players walk out of the tunnel, to take their bow in front of the Valiant supporters and to initiative them into the Port Vale Foundations Reading Stars team.

School staff from each school have been invited to attend the game as our guest in the boardroom, as a way of thanking them for signing up as a partner school for the 2023-24 academic year. In attendance we have Lyndsey Wright, from Moorpark Junior School & Marc Hakes, Etruscan Primary School.


Lyndsey Wright – Moorpark Junior School

“The children were immediately engaged with the programme! In our first session, the children realised how much reading they do daily; from reading books, to reading signs and brochures. 

The children have become more enthusiastic towards reading and can't wait to show off their skills in the next session”.