Port Vale Foundation Pan-Disability Football (ages +16)

Port Vale Foundation Pan-Disability Football (ages +16)

Port Vale Foundation PAN disability football, provides opportunities for disabled people in Stoke on Trent, male and female to improve their lives through participation in competitive sport on a regular basis.

Port Vale Foundation disability football aims to increase opportunities to meet new people, increase skills and knowledge and gain new experiences. This in turn contributes to improving their health and wellbeing, physical fitness and confidence.

This year, saw the creation of Port Vale’s first ever adult pan disability football team, supported by a team of fantastic staff and volunteers. A total of 17 players competed in the Staffordshire Ability Counts League taking part in monthly fixtures from October 2022- April 2023.

The season saw the newly formed team, become league winners of their group - a fantastic achievement.    

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Disability coach, Josh Jones:

Well what a year it has been for our amazing group, first season in the Staffordshire Ability Counts League and to come away top of the table in our division. An unbelievable achievement by the entire squad, a season everyone will remember I’m sure! However, this isn’t the biggest achievement of the year, as a collective of players they are truly wonderful & inspiring. I am seeing not just a group of players on a Thursday at training, I am seeing a group of friends that 100% care for one another like family and will do anything for each other. Every week this year my team has applied themselves in a wonderful way and made me SO PROUD! We are a united group and will go into next season even stronger!”

Throughout this year, Port Vale Foundation delivered 48 training sessions, engaged with 24 participants, and took part in regular friendly matches against other local clubs in between their competitive fixtures.  

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As a team, they also attended match day events together at Port Vale FC. At one of their match day experiences, they had the opportunity to be flag bearers, waving the first team out. They also took part in a lap of honour to celebrate with fans their achievement of becoming league winners.

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In December, Port Vale Foundation were also delighted to host a  Christmas party for the group with a visit from one of the PVFC first team players, Nathan Smith who took part in a range of activities that were being held during the party including fifa, pool, table tennis and air hockey.

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The aim for 2023/24 season is to grow the disability section even further, creating a second team for adults and creating brand new teams within the youth section.


If you’re interested in joining the team, supporting as a volunteer or would like to find out any further information, please contact foundation.trust@port-vale.co.uk