Volunteers Fundraising Efforts

Donations over the summer break

The Port Vale Volunteers’ group have continued raising funds for specific projects within the Club.


Over the summer break, donations have been made in support of the following:

£800Football boots for 16 players in the Academy – a project we have supported in past years.

£90 - A new printer for the Club Shop.

£70 - A ball inflator for the Football Depatment.

£320 - An iPad for use by Dan Thompson, our match analyst, enabling instant contact with the 'bench' during matches, and use in the new analysis room where individual performances, match stratagies etc can be viewed along with opposition player profile and tactics.

£270 - Two inflatable “ice pools” to be used by our Physio Department in the treatment of all of our teams. These were a great help on our team’s recent visit to Ireland.


We would like to thank all who support our fund raising efforts, the latest of which was the on the Fun Day when we raised £455. We would also like to thank Jimmy Doherty for his continued support with fund raising on his away coaches.


Joan Stanley


Chair of Volunteers’ Group.