Disciplinary action taken against midfielder

Port Vale can confirm that it has suspended midfielder Ryan Burge for a period of fourteen days, pending an internal enquiry, following  his non-appearance at the team's pre-match . on Tuesday evening

The suspension also relates to the midfielder's inappropriate use of social media, which breached the club's social media guidelines, on the same day. 

Said Chairman Paul Wildes: "This is an unfortunate situation and one which could have been avoided. 

"In relation to his use of social media, we asked Ryan to apologise for his statements on twitter on Thursday and Ryan declined to do this.

"Although we note that Ryan has now issued something on his twitter feed, this has come too late. 

"Ryan has signed our social media guidelines, along with all players, and we simply cannot condone behaviour which brings the club's name into disrepute. 

"This whole incident could have been avoided and the club was keen to work with Ryan on a resolution, but he decided not to take this option. 

"This has been a highly disruptive incident for everyone at the club at a critical time of the season. I ask that all supporters back the team tomorrow as we aim to return to winning ways."