Port Vale Football Club sign up to USW Football Foundation degree

Port Vale Football Club sign up to USW Football Foundation degree

Port Vale Foundation have teamed up with the University of South Wales and EFL Trust to launch a brand-new foundation degree for aspiring coaches to study a higher education course whilst gaining practical experience in the local community.

The Foundation Degree in Community Football Coaching and Development has been designed in conjunction with the EFL Trust in order to identify the type of skills and qualities that are required to work within a professional football clubs’ community department or national governing bodies in areas of growth such as social inclusion, community coaching and football development.

Our football coaching course allows students to study all sub-disciplines of coaching and gain valuable industry recognised qualifications. The course will teach aspects of generic children and youth coaching, football coaching, football development, social inclusion, and sports management skills.

Tom Sherratt, Head of Community at Port Vale said “We have been working towards getting the higher education offer in place for nearly 12 months and we can’t wait to get started and start delivering the course with University of South Wales from September next year.

The course has proven successful in other areas of the country and we are more than confident we will replicate the success here at Port Vale.”

All lectures, seminars and tutorials are delivered in a supportive and inspirational club environment, based predominantly within the football club via online material. This is supported with residential stays at the University of South Wales Campus in Cardiff where Students from all partner clubs, come together twice a year.

PVFC Foundation’s Football Development Manager, Kyle Adams said “We are delighted to be able to extend our educational offer with our partnership with the University of South Wales. We already have a strong post-16 football & education programme and this now means we have the next tier in the pathway available for our current students allowing them to move on to higher education but continue with the club.  The foundation degree will also complement our existing football pathway which now sees us working with children as young as two years old right through to degree students.

There will be an open evening for the Foundation Degree on 9th December 2019 at Port Vale Football Club’s Valiant Suite. To register your place or for more information please email foundation.trust@port-vale.co.uk.