Leon Legge reflects on his start to the season and the importance of the fans

Leon Legge reflects on his start to the season and the importance of the fans

Vale defender Leon Legge has described himself as "a different animal" once points are on the line, and says the crowd getting behind the team plays a major part in building their confidence.

After finding himself on the bench for the opening two league games, Leon has since been a regular starter under Neil Aspin, forming a good partnership with fellow new boy Connell Rawlinson.

Leon's performances have earn't him plenty of plaudits over the past few weeks and he picked up the man of the match award in the 1-0 win over Crawley Town at Vale Park.

Having settled into his new surroundings and getting the minutes under his belt, the Bexhill man was in a reflective mood looking back on the start of his Vale career.

"I feel like I've played well over the past few weeks. When you miss out on a spot you want to work hard to win it back and I feel like I've done that the past few games.

"I said before, I had a few niggles over pre season and it put me behind a few weeks. I knew I had a lot of work to do to try and win my place back and I feel like I've done that.

"With the crowd behind you it builds confidence. It's not always easy coming into a new team but I feel like I've managed to get them on my side. I know pre season is a little bit different but for me once points are on the line, I become a slightly different animal compared to what I'm like in pre season."

The defender has certainly been a rock at the back since becoming a regular starter in that back line, and admitted he's not one to shy away from putting in a tackle when he needs to.

His old school defending approach of heading, tackling and body on the line has helped Vale out of a few desperate situations at times, but Leon also likes to show some leadership.

With the arrival of 19 year old Mitchell Clark and our home grown 20 year old James Gibbons featuring in the side, Leon says he likes to help them and pass on any type of experience he can. 

"I wouldn't say we're inexperienced but we have a lot of young players that are still learning the game and I try and help them with the knowledge of my game and what I've of done over the last 8/9 years of football.

"I think me and Connell Rawlinson have a good understanding. Sometimes partnerships just come together and you have a real good understanding, I've had it before at other clubs and you just gel together.

"Sometimes it can take a bit longer with other players but I feel we have a good understanding."