Academy boys having fun on and off the pitch in Madrid

Academy boys having fun on and off the pitch in Madrid

Three days into their week long pre-season trip to Madrid with five other English Football League clubs, our academy are enjoying themselves and taking advantage of the opportunity. One of the boys, Hayden Campbell, gives us an update on what they have been doing!

Tuesday 3oth July - We began the day with a session with our usual coaches and we worked on playing out from the back, the session was good and enjoyable and the lads said it was good to train in different conditions to what we are used to.

We then had some time at the pool to help our body recover and to relax and bond as a team in the sun. Later on in the day we had another training session this time with coaches from the host club, we developed our knowledge of the Spanish game and how they attack by overloading one side of the pitch and using the switch to create overloads on the opposite side of the pitch.

The teams view of the session was that it was good to see different ways on how we can attack teams and different styles of play, it was also good to have new voices telling us new ideas so we can develop our games even more. Overall the team said that it has been a good day of hard work and team bonding.