Valiants in Kenya 2023

Valiants in Kenya 2023

Port Vale Foundation’s first trip out to Kenya with African Adventures proved to be a success.

The 7 volunteers who embarked on this life changing opportunity all agreed it was an incredible experience and all saw the positive impact on so many lives whilst out in Kenya. Our volunteers were partnered with West End Destiny School, where we had a heart-warming welcome by the children and the staff. For the 5 days in the school, we supported in the teaching and learning as well as helping to complete the flooring for the new 2 storey classroom which is being built at the school. There was also some downtime where our volunteers were able to enjoy a safari day, take part in a celebration event as well as a visit to the giraffe sanctuary to feed the giraffes.

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The experience from the start with fundraising our money to the end was incredible when we saw the smiles on so many children’s faces, and for the families being so appreciative of everything we gave and the change we made in such a short space of time.


“Having the privilege to run this trip has made us so proud on what we can achieve. Kenya has been a truly life changing experience, knowing the impact we have had on so many lives and the appreciation from the children and families has been bigger than I thought possible” – Jorgie, Group Leader

“It has been a fulfilling experience, where the appreciation and positivity of the locals has continuously amazed me” – Volunteer

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“Kenya has been one of the best experiences I’ve ever had – its pushed my boundaries and made me think of the world differently but in a good way” – Gill Robinson, African Adventures

Our next trip is set up for April 2025 where we will be completing a school’s provision trip.