EFL Statement: COVID-19 Test Results

EFL Statement: COVID-19 Test Results

Here is the latest EFL Statement to be issued in regards to COVID-19 test results.


Following the latest round of COVID-19 testing, the EFL can confirm that 1058 players and Club staff from the 24 Championship Clubs were tested over the course of Thursday 28 May and Friday 29 May, with 10 individuals testing positive from eight Clubs.

Those players or Club staff who have tested positive will now self-isolate in line with the guidelines provided by the EFL and only those who have tested negative will be permitted to enter training ground facilities.


There is currently no testing programme underway in League One.


Following an initial round of COVID-19 testing, the EFL can confirm that 135 players and Club staff were tested from four League Two Clubs over the course of Thursday 28 May and Friday 29 May, with seven individuals testing positive from three Clubs.

Those players or Club staff who have tested positive will now self-isolate in line with the guidelines provided by the EFL and only those who have tested negative will be permitted to enter training ground facilities.


The EFL will continue to make regular and relevant announcements as appropriate in respect of the testing programme to support competition integrity and transparency.

No specific details as to Clubs or individuals will be provided by the League.