Luke Joyce relishing his role at Port Vale

Luke Joyce relishing his role at Port Vale

Luke Joyce has proved to be an instrumental figure in the Vale side so far this campaign, and he admits just how much he is enjoying his football at Vale Park.

The Vale have lost just one in their last 12 in all competitions, and the Vale midfielder stressed how much of an improvement it has been on last year, which Joyce says was a frustrating period of his career personally.

The 34-year-old plays as a defensive midfielder, and despite having to do the dirty work which sometimes can go unnoticed, Joyce admits that he thoroughly enjoys playing there, as it allows him to get on the ball deep and play forward.

Joyce has also expressed how good it is to work with the current coaching staff as well as the group of players at the club.

“Probably last season for large parts of it, it was probably the most frustrating time of my career really in terms of my own performances and how things were going at Port Vale. You do get frustrated, you’re working hard, I’m not working any harder than I was last season, you’re putting the working in and for whatever reason things just don’t go your way.

“Personally, I’m quite happy with how I’m doing and know I can improve on things and still do better but I’m enjoying it I’m really enjoying it. It’s great working with the gaffer and the staff we’ve got here, and the lads, we’ve got a great group of lads and we’re on good run at the minute and hopefully we’ll keep that going.

“I enjoy it, I think it’s my best position and I thoroughly enjoy playing there, I try and get on the ball and make us play and like you say, do the ugly side of it and pick up second balls and whatever helps the team and help us get good results."

The Vale overcame a goal deficit to beat Joyce’s former team, Carlisle, 2-1 yesterday afternoon, and the Vale midfielder admitted how big of a win it was as it meant back-to-back victories for the Valiants.

Askey’s side haven’t tasted defeat at home in the league so far this campaign, and Joyce stressed how important it was to keep that home form alive.

Vale’s number 4 also stated that the squad have high demands of themselves, and that they are heading into games expecting to win.

“It was a massive win, not just because of the way we started the game with Carlisle taking the lead early on, but because we’ve not won back-to-back games in the league. Dave Kevan mentioned it before the game and I think it was important we did that, last couple of home games we’ve been a little bit frustrated with only picking points up against Oldham and Stevenage.

“We wanted to get the three points today and carry on the good run at home, carry on the good run of form we’re currently experiencing and get them three points and keep pushing up the table.

“Everyone is feeling good, we’re going into games now kind of expecting ourselves to win, not in an arrogant way but we’re setting demands. We’ve got high standards and we want to go and win every game."