A Statement from the Chairman

A Statement from the Chairman

Port Vale Football Club currently, along with Alchemy Land the Stadium Company owner, sits within the Alchemy Investment Group structure.  To give both transparency and independent financial accountability PVFC Limited, the holding company of Port Vale Football Club, has made an application to The Football League for the transfer of the Club’s membership from PVFC Limited to Port Vale Football Club Limited. 
No club related debt is being shed through this arrangement and accordingly there is no threat of sanctions against the Club as a result of the transfer.  All contracts entered into by the original management regime of PVFC Limited have either been terminated or re-negotiated so no contractual advantage will be obtained in granting the transfer of theClub’s share in The Football League.
In addition, a new company has been established trading in the name of Port Vale Retail Limited, owned by Norman Smurthwaite, which now trades independently but exclusively for the Port Vale shop. Alchemy Land will shortly be in the ownership of Falcon Alliance Limited, a company owned solely by Norman Smurthwaite and his wife Lorraine Smurthwaite.