The Wednesday Fan Blog

The Wednesday Fan Blog

A return of the potteries derby on the cards?

The Potteries Derby returns after 12 years

May! The match will even see the return of the flat capped one (John Rudge). It’s will be great seeing the likes of Andy Porter, Micky Cummins and Martin Foyle back on the holy turf, running rings around Stein again!... for only a tenner an all. So although we lost to Crewe a recently, don’t fear, this one’s a shoe in for Vale!thWell it’s back the game that saw great battles between the likes of Rudge and Macari, Foyle and Stein, The Potteries Derby returns for the first time since 2002… all In the good name of Alzheimer’s awareness of course. Unfortunately the terrible condition that is Alzheimer’s has touched our very own Tosh (Tony Naylor) personally recently and in order to raise awareness of the condition Tosh has come up with an idea as shrewd as his opportunistic finishing in the box… a legends match featuring past derby heroes and villains from over the years coming together for a legends exhibition match at Vale Park on Sunday 18

Shaun Crank