The Thursday Fan Blog

The Thursday Fan Blog

A fan's view of things Port Vale

Hughesies gone!... Let’s all do the Hugill

Last weekend spelt the end of an era for Vale. Lee Hughes, a pillar of professionalism saw his one year spell at the club come to an (some might say premature) end. It is without doubt that the man who is held by some in the same mould as the likes of Keith Houchen and Bernie Slaven played a key part in our promotion last season with his timely goals. As the dust settles of that era step forward barrel chested Jordan Hugill. A classic, bustling striker, Hugill looks a good prospect with pace and finishing to boot. A gem netted from the fishing town of Marske, Hugill looks like a definite prospect for the future; just ask Gateshead’s regulars, he certainly put some angelic performances in up north as he scored 5 in 7. So take heed League 1… The Pope’s no longer our only marksman.

Shaun Crank