James Bourne has been named Port Vale's Community Captain

James Bourne is our Premier League Community Captain

James Bourne has been named our Premier League Community Captain due to his tremendous work ethic over the past year. James embodies what Port Vale is all about and we're extremely proud of him.

James is a Port Vale Foundation Lead Community Coach and has been actively supporting Foundation activities for the last two years going above and beyond to help others in the community, becoming a positive role model to many young people.

James started his role at the Foundation as an NCS leader where he supported young people with disabilities helping them to acquire new skills, confidence and greater skill set.

In 2023, James was enrolled on to the teaching assistant level 3 & higher TA level 4 course to better his leaning and delivery across both curriculum and extra curriculum activities through the PL Primary Stars programme. Positively engaging and raising aspirations of hundreds of young people across the city with enthesis on the PL PS values (Be Connected, Be Inspiring, Be Ambitious & Be Fair).

In addition, James also works on our PL Kicks provision specifically the youth pan disability football, a new programme launched last year. He has built a great rapport with the young people helping them to develop both their footballing skills and knowledge in such as short space of time.


James has successfully applied himself to many different community roles, including recently progressing into a mentoring role at a local school, working with young people who are at risk of not reaching their potential.

He is willing to go above and beyond and work across multiple projects such as the SEN provision and Kicks disability sessions.

James delivers with a strong mindset and can project his view of a sport or activity on to those who is supporting and working with. He can adapt his teaching style depending on the group he is working with, whether that is a young person in mainstream education or an alternative learning environment to different age ranges and ability.

Well done James.