Love Football Hate Racism

Join us for what promises to be a brilliant night of music and passion. Hear from Vale’s captain, the ever-present Leon Legge, talking about his life in football, the ups, the downs, and dealing with epilepsy and racism. Leon will co-host the event with Radio Stoke presenter Phil Bowers.

You will also get the opportunity to hear from Sevvy Aslam Port Vale’s Academy Manager who has overseen an amazing transformation in its fortunes. In the 2007/2008 season, the Port Vale Academy was ranked 66th out of 92 English league clubs for player productivity when it was a Centre of Excellence. In 2018 the Academy had risen to 33rd. Come and hear how this transformation has taken place and how players such as Nathan Smith and James Gibbons have prospered through the Academy.

Leon and Sevvy will be joined by Amirah Rahman the FA’s 2015 BAME coach of the year and Liron Velleman who has connections back to Jake Bloom, chairman of the Vale and responsible for introducing the black and amber striped kit in the 1958-59 promotion season.

Music on the evening will be provided by

  • All the Young
  • Lissy Taylor
  • The Crezz

Tickets are only £5 from the club shop and online for at Eventbrite (£5.95 inc fee)