2015-16 Accounts (Port Vale Volunteers)

What we raised and how it was spent






£40.00                     AUG 2015                   J HILL  DONATION                       

£1902.30                     DEC 2016                 CHRISTMAS DRAW                        

£130.00                                                RAISED IN CLUB SHOP                       

TOTAL £2072.30


£30                    JULY 2015                     CROSS TRAINER                        

£100                    SEPT 2015           SWEETS FOR BOOMER                       

£65                    SEPT 2015          HARD DRIVE (ANALYST)                       

£500                     NOV 2015                   OVER NIGHT STAY                       

(PLAYERS – MAIDEN HEAD OVERNIGHT STAY)                       

TOTAL £695                                                                       


TOTAL RAISED BY THE VOLUNTEERS’ GROUP          £36,636           


After a break from fundraising last season we have renewed our efforts. The main event has been the been the Christmas draw banking almost £2,000, taking the total raised over the £35,000 mark. This excellent draw has been mainly due to the extremely hard work of two of the committee, Mary and Trevor Moulton, who sourced almost all the prizes as well as working hard at selling the tickets.

We have met all the requests for funding, this year much lower than usual. The surplus helping to balance last year’s deficit of £1,405.

The group have continued volunteering for tasks within the club:-contributing articles and proof reading programmes, numbering and putting season ticket stickers on the seats in the stadium, as well as organizing the away travel and arranging the voting for the various player of the Year awards.

Our efforts would all be in vain without your continued support so thank you again.


Joan Stanley.

Chair of Volunteers’ Group.