2014-2015 Accounts

How the money is collected and distributed






Ap 2014                 £105                        Jimmy Doherty

Ap 2014                   £36                  Donna Foster raffle

Ap 2014                 £120          Alan Biddulph donation

Aug 2014                   £95                      Fans’ donations

May 2015                 £186                                      Raffle

£542 TOTAL                                    



Ap 2014                 £192                  Programme Sheds

Aug 2014                 £500            Build shop store room

Aug 2014                   £25                         Air ambulance

Dec 2014                   £50                                   Boomer

Dec 2014                 £500              Camera – Media Dept

Feb 2015                 £500                 Heart rate monitors

Feb 2015                   £90                       Youth Dev balls

£1947 TOTAL                                    


We have now raised £34,564 with your help.



As you can see from the above accounts the Volunteers have taken a well earned rest from fund raising last season. That does not mean that we have taken a rest from volunteering for tasks within the club, such as contributing to the programme, proof reading, numbering and season ticketing the stadium. And we have not taken a rest from donating to well deserved projects.


The new warehouse inside the Club Shop that we helped to provide has been a great help. The heart rate monitors are available for use by all teams associated with the club, and the camera has been put to good use by the Media Department.


Our latest donation, which will appear on next year’s accounts is a cross trainer which was sourced a paid for by the group. This is now housed in the academy in the gym being developed there.


This season, with renewed energy, we are returning to fund raising. Our biggest project will be the Christmas Draw with over 30 prizes already donated. This can only be a success with the help of you, the fans. If you can help by selling some books of draw tickets please see me in the Club Shop any Wednesday, Thursday or Friday. But if every fan bought a ticket we would be well on the way to selling out! More information and lists of prizes will be available soon.


Thank you for your continued support,

Joan Stanley, Chair of Port Vale Volunteers’ Group.