Crewe all-ticket

Tickets on sale to Season Ticket holders from Monday

Crewe Alexander v Port Vale

Saturday 23rd November 2013

Kick Off  3.00pm


This is an All Ticket Fixture for Port Vale Supporters.

Tickets must be purchased in advance of the game.  No tickets will be available on the day of the game.


We have an allocation of 1652 tickets in the Whitby Morrison Stand.  When these are sold out we will have a further allocation of 598 tickets in the Family Stand.  Total available to us if 2250


Tickets will go on sale,  via Port Vale Ticket Office and, on Monday 28th October to Season Ticket holders on production of a valid Season Card.  (On line purchase will only be available when entering client reference number printed on season card).  Limited to Two tickets per season card holder.


Tickets will go on general sale from Monday 4th November .


Tickets will be on sale up to 2pm on Friday 22nd November unless sold out before.



Adults     £21

Senior Citizens  (61+)  £16.50

12-16 Years   £10.00

11 and under  £6

Disabled £16.50 (Allowance proof required)