The Friday Fan Blog

Thoughts on the FA Cup

Attentions now turn to the FA Cup, always a pleasant interlude from the league programme despite what the big boys might say. We have had our problems with non-league sides over the last dozen years or so, but if we get our act together surely we will beat Shortwood United.

It’s a team that the vast majority of Vale fans will never have even heard of until a couple of weeks ago (I know I hadn’t), but memories of Chasetown from 2007 still sends a shiver down the spine so nothing can be taken for granted.

The surroundings will be spartan to say the least, for both players and fans, although the former will be mini-bussed up the hill to the ground whereas the fans may have to walk it, although there is a park and ride scheme in operation.

Shortwood are at the same level that Chasetown were then, so Vale more than anybody should know the pitfalls even though the players and management are all different. Since the non-league pyramid was formed over 25 years ago the record number of places for a giant killing is 108 – Chasetown when they beat the Vale!

Well Shortwood are a mere 123 places below the Vale so we could beat our own unwanted record if we lose, but I’m sure we will have enough in the locker to avoid such a disaster. That reminds me, where’s my lucky rabbit’s foot?


Phil Sherwin