Vale Scholarships on Offer

A chance not to be missed

If you are 16 to 17 years old and considering your future career/education options the Port Vale FC Community Trust can offer you a two year Futsal and Education scholarship.
Suitable candidates can be male or female and should have a keen interest in football and want to advance their education to BTEC level 3 (equivalent of 3 A levels) and take vocational qualifications in Refereeing, football coaching level 1 and 2.
The learning programme will take place at Vale park over four days per week for 16 hours and for 39 weeks per year offering an exciting alternative to the usual college route, you will need to have played football at a reasonable level as you will represent Port Vale Fc against other Football League Clubs in a national Futsal League.
This course offers pathways to University, the England Futsal squad and a career as a professional Futsal player, Referee, Football Coach or opportunities to forge a career in the sports and leisure Industry.
Community Manager Jim Cooper says "React quickly if you want to sign up to the Vale squad for the next two years this is  more than just a kick in the grass, the final whistle is about to blow".
Entry requirements for this course include a minimum of 4 GCSE passes preferably A to C including Maths and English although there is some flexibility if you are slightly’s a once in a lifetime opportunity.